100 kHz ... 20000 MHz

贝克尔公司提供覆盖面广泛的宽带放大器产品组合,其中包括所有常见的通讯标准(蜂窝通信,卫星通信,TETRA / BOS,GNSS,GPS,802.11)以及LTE-U等新频段。紧凑型机架或19英寸机架可放置非常高效的放大器模块,这些模块主要针对短波以及频率高达18 GHz的高频与超高频范围(L波段、S波段、C波段、X波段)。作为天线的前置放大器、激励级或增强器的变体,应用于隧道无线电、航空无线电监控、入耳式监控等广泛领域。
sorted by upper limit frequency
CW / 脉冲发生器、自动电平控制 (ALC)、VSWR 测量
2 Channel 50 W Power Amplifier with CW and Pulse Generator
1 ... 6000 MHz CW and pulse generator guided webinterface 47 dBm | 50 W Automatic Level Control (ALC)
20 W High Power Scalar / Vector Amplifier and Signal Generator, 1700…9800 MHz
CW and pulse generator guided webinterface S-Parameter Measurement 43 dBm | 20 W 19", 2U Automatic Level Control (ALC)
10 W High Power Scalar / Vector Amplifier and Signal Generator, 300 … 6000 MHz
CW and pulse generator guided webinterface S-Parameter Measurement 40 dBm | 10 W 19", 2U Automatic Level Control (ALC)
20 W High Power Scalar / Vector Amplifier and Signal Generator, 300 … 6000 MHz
CW and pulse generator guided webinterface S-Parameter Measurement 43 dBm | 20 W 19", 2U Automatic Level Control (ALC)
50 W High Power Scalar / Vector Amplifier and Signal Generator 300…6000 MHz
CW and pulse generator guided webinterface S-Parameter Measurement 47 dBm | 50 W 19", 2U Automatic Level Control (ALC)
模块、台式装置和 19" 机架设备
用于 AMP-L 放大器模块的通用 19" 设备平台
AMP LR SERIES 是一个 19" 2U 通用功放机架设备平台。客户可以选择最多配置四个相同频率范围的功放以增加输出功率,或者自由组合最多四个不同频率的功放频段作为多通道设置。
所有模块均由中央交流电源供电,背面板上有 N 型同轴连接器。它们中的大多数都有一个 DB9 连接器,用于触点闭合接口以监控设备状态。
Universal Heat Sink for AMP-L Amplifier Modules
Universal Heat Sink UHS-1 is a compact heat sink for cooling of medium and high-power amplifier modules from Becker Nachrichtentechnik. Up to two different AMP-L modules can be flexibly attached to the flat side of the heat sink. With the option of installing up to six fans, high cooling performance can be achieved. If active cooling is required for the customer application, the cooler will be delivered with pre-installed fans. The heatsink is also supplied individually prepared with captive screws depending on customer requirements. On the bottom side is has holes for mounting in housings by the customer.
Universal Heat Sink for AMP-L Amplifier Modules
passive and active cooling individually configured delivery
letzte Änderung: 22.04.2024