Digital Step Attenautor

ATT-8E is a RF step attenuator with eight independent channels. The attenuation can be varied with a 0.25 dB step size to a maximum attenuation of 31.75 dB per channel. The high channel isolation allows cascading of multiple channels when higher attenuation values are necessary. ATT-8E can be used in the frequency range 100 kHz … 8.5 GHz and is therefore suitable for signals of all common wireless standards. The compact, robust design and the high compatibility with other modules and devices make the device ideal for applications like antenna test stands, automated test systems and solutions, where are “automatic level control” (ALC) or “automatic gain control” (AGC) has to be implemented.

Modular RF System Kit air interface emulation 31.75 dB attenuation range

ATT-8E is designed as a slide-in module for integration into the SR6-11C system platform. It can be controlled either via the SR6-11C low-level ‘Binary Interface’ or the additional high-level controller unit SR6-CU.

Remote Interfaces

The optional controller SR6-CU provides the interfaces LAN and USB. These interfaces can be used to control the ATT-8E modules by SCPI-oriented ASCII commands.


In combination with the RFLD level detection units and the SR6-CU controller unit, automatic level control (ALC) and automatic gain control (AGC) systems can be realized in an easy and flexible way.

Synchronous Operation

SR6-11C enables the synchronous execution of multiple commands across the whole system rack. Additionally, SR6-11C provides a ‘Trigger IO’ interface, which allows the synchronous coupling of multiple SR6-11C system platforms and other compatible devices.


letzte Änderung: 18.11.2020