The system TSQA-RFLD80 extends multichannel RF signal sources like WSDU-1X80P(L) from Becker Nachrichtentechnik to powerful automatic HTOL test systems. One application is the simulation of lifetime of electronic components like SAW filters or semiconductors.
1 ... 8000 MHz 3 W per channel
Multichannel measurements
As a main function, the TSQA-RFLD80 contains a level evaluation over 80 channels with a RF power capability of up to 3 W per channel. The system can be remote controlled via ASCII strings or a GUI (graphical user interface). The software of the TSQA-RFLD80 supports the control of a signal generator which is the common RF source for the multichannel RF source.
The software of the TSQA-RFLD80 offers numerous functions like setting the output level of the RF multi-signal source and calibrating the insertion losses „normalize“ of the DUTs (Devices Under Test).
Automatic test sequence
Up to five test frequencies each with level tolerances for an automatic test sequence can be entered in the software. The measurement values of all selected channels are cyclic monitored on violation of tolerances. Faulty DUTs are recorded and added with a time stamp.
The test period can be entered in the software. After run off the time the systems stops the test. This properties of the TSQA-RFLD80 save time, reduces failures and give transparency in the tests.
Latest modification: 11.01.2018